
Education reform of the Second Coming

Department of Education Stands Up by: Christopher O' Brian

So this article brings up the need for more enforced ant-bullying measures, but what are the measures they are trying to enforce? Or rather, how do you stop a bully? You're article doesn't address what these actual "anti-bullying" policies are.

There is a lucid point also made in regard to schools losing their federal funding if they don't abide as well. Well do you know what part of our taxes is paying for education? I'll give you hint: everytime you buy a pack of cigarettes in the state of Texas you're really paying for education.

Also there is a mention of teachers witnessing this behavior, and doing nothing. But perhaps reprimand should go deeper. Anger management courses disguised as youth social minute could work. Your article brings up a very dire topic, but what are the resolutions to this issue? Your article mentions nothing about whatrules are actually being enforced. Maybe the rules are non-working? Do you know? Are they making bullies go to juvenile, wear dunce caps, or expulsion? I think this article needs to go further in depth.

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