
Education reform of the Second Coming

Department of Education Stands Up by: Christopher O' Brian

So this article brings up the need for more enforced ant-bullying measures, but what are the measures they are trying to enforce? Or rather, how do you stop a bully? You're article doesn't address what these actual "anti-bullying" policies are.

There is a lucid point also made in regard to schools losing their federal funding if they don't abide as well. Well do you know what part of our taxes is paying for education? I'll give you hint: everytime you buy a pack of cigarettes in the state of Texas you're really paying for education.

Also there is a mention of teachers witnessing this behavior, and doing nothing. But perhaps reprimand should go deeper. Anger management courses disguised as youth social minute could work. Your article brings up a very dire topic, but what are the resolutions to this issue? Your article mentions nothing about whatrules are actually being enforced. Maybe the rules are non-working? Do you know? Are they making bullies go to juvenile, wear dunce caps, or expulsion? I think this article needs to go further in depth.


Why Is It Taking So Long to Legalize Marijuana?

I mean, Why does it take so long to do anything? Not anything, but most things?

It seems that no matter the subject, there is a mile of red tape around it. Yet, we could still pass the "ObamaCare" act in less than two years, while we are just now letting our women onto submersibles after almost 15 years of deliberation. I understand that some bills are introduced in urgency, while others sit, and wait for the tumultuous activity it has to endure before even getting submitted for final approval.

The truth is, is that this entire process is completely laden with corporate influence, interest groups, and lots of contrite human beings. The political separation of parties has gotten extreme recently with the influx of the Tea Parties, and a general vocal uprising on social media sites from young, moderate, and liberal adults. Unrest has made a nest in our general political minds as something that needs to be fixed, and yet the issues to be addressed grows long. Here are a few of the issues, and we will not be defining these:

1. HealthCare
2. Immigration
3. Prop 19 and States rights
4. Global Warming
5. Foreign Dependence
6. The "War" on Terror
7. Energy Dependence
8. The U.S. National debt
9. The "War" on Drugs
10. Unemployment
11. National Disasters
12. Foreign Relations
13. Republicans vs. Democrats
14. Tea-Parties
15. Government control

The arguing needs to stop. As recently as today, we will more likely see the House of Representatives turn back into a predominately Republican-run house, and what does this mean for everyone in America?

I think this could be a good thing. While Republicans will move as quickly as they can to pass certain agendas, this will incite a hugely viable option for Obama, the veto power. This could potentially mean that whatever gets passed will more than likely be on a moderate bases instead of a largely Democratic one, or a largely Republican one. Perhaps we can take this as an opportunity to educate ourselves further, and promote more moderate ideals.

We know now that Corporate agenda is high in the Government after witnessing the AIG bailout disaster. Corporately-Run Media is also running a muck in this fine country by feeding bullshit stories about polls, stories, and issues. The question on every body's tongue that seems to be the most prevalent is "Why can't a politician answer a straight question?", and while this is so, less and less is being reported on the integrity, and views of the political candidates.

Maybe there is nothing wrong with our government, perhaps everything is wrong with the way our media chooses to inform us about it. When will C-span get the ratings it deserves? When will we stop paying out other countries for their resources and slave-labor? When will we stop producing plastic bags, or legalize marijuana, or making it so expensive to go to the doctor? When will insurance companies stop owning us? Perhaps when corporation stop trying to own us and our government. What agenda do these companies have for themselves? Simply, to increase revenue.

We need to take a better look at ourselves, and think about why we voted for who we did today. Was it simply because there was an R next to the name? Or was it because you read about John Doe and his incredible accomplishments as a Human-Rights activist? Think about it.