
Possible Life Bearing Planet Discovered!

The following article was written by Seth Borstein, a long time writer for AP news, who mostly distributes to major Newspapers such as; The Washington Post, Fort Worth Telegram, Yahoo, and Reuters.

Possible Life Bearing Planet

This is also a small video.

If you found that as intriguing as me, you will probably be already contemplating what it would take to get on board and go visit. Zamarina is it's proper name, though I'm sure Americans will dub it as Goldilocks for as long as you and me know it. I think Zamarina is exotic.

What would you name it?
Any ideas on the possible outcomes of Zamarina's Discovery?

I know I would be willing to ride in a ship for 50 years just to see a new planet. But hey, that's just me.

Ooh...maybe Avatar wasn't so fake!


Socialism in the U.S.

The Broadcast starts with an introduction to Republican Tea Party Member, Sarah Palin, eloquently debasing the perils of a Socialist run government:
Is The U.S. Moving to Socialism? (An intriguing look into the reform of what is Socialism.)

The Article comes from the live recording studio of the National Public Radio Broadcast Station, or NPR for short. They can be heard on Austin's own radio station @ 90.5FM KUT, they are a public funded broadcast station that does in-depth stories on a broad range of subjects. The new source itself is largely reliant on published resources and "ordained to educate" individuals. You can read more about it, HERE. And of course, NPR.org.

Now the Article comes in two forms, a written synopsis, and the actual broadcast, both done by Adam Davidson, a man who has also written articles relating to an extremely large array of subjects (His Bio: Here). What is so great about this article is that it draws attention to a subject that has long been banned from conversation in the U.S. since the 1950s. It mentions a subject matter that we cover in class constantly. Do you know what Socialism is? Or better, Do you think you know what Socialism is? This article suggests that since its ban, the knowledge of how a Socialist government would work and what it provides has been buried along with the Soviet Union and the rise of Capitalist China. Since these changes the practice of Socialism has changed and many prospering nations have adopted Socialist run nations such as Spain, and in the past, the U.K., France, and Canada.

The article also suggests that a Socialist run government would not own everything, the public would still own their own property, homes, and materialistic possessions. But instead of corporately run industries, the industries woulds be owned by the public, and the profits would be spent according to the workers. Though I believe the notion of this power could easily be corrupted, the Socialist-run Government would automatically provide Health Care to all individuals and would still provide millions of government jobs. This new practice of Socialism even allows for small business owners and the creation of Co-Operatives. If you don't know anything about Co-Operatives, send me an e-mail, leave me a comment, and I will tell you about my 5 years in and out of a variety of Co-Operatives that have done everything non-profit, environmental awareness, raised money for funding arts education, humanities services, and so much more.

But don't take my word for it. The article isn't as in depth as the subject matter available that covers Socialism. Take a listen or read for yourself. Read my back-up, unbiased articles, and think about it for yourself. I know that there is a general public concern for putting respect, knowledge, and altruism back into our own "Social" Lives, but educating yourself on this issue can be enlightening.

Follow Up Links:
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism_of_the_21st_century
3. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/551569/socialism
4. "Why Socialism?" by ALBERT EINSTEIN

Links on CO-OPs:
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Co-operatives
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_Principles
3. http://www.ica.coop/coop/principles-revisions.html
4. http://www.regen.net/news/ByDiscipline/Community-Renewal/1028937/Co-operatives-step-help-communities-hit-pubs-fund-axe/